PrivateShare (Secure PasteBin)

by Capricornus9999 Inc


not available

In todays world where privacy is a concern and the notoriety of the big companies reading your data, Do you really trust your most secret passwords/secrets to big companies . If no then this app is final solution for you.Besides the facts of the companies looking at the users data, when you share the passwords and other important stuffs via messengers and other chat/main application the problem remains that the log is saved in their device history.Consider the situation that you shared the password with friends and his phone got stolen and the thief can exploit your password that you sent as the messaging apps and email will definitely store your log. Here you can set the destruction time and the message will definitely get destroyed once someone read it. And if someone doesn't read your messages then you can set the destruction time.
This Application works exactly like pastebin.This supports over 200 languages(utf-8 supported languages).Now the communication between the server and the client happens over the secure SSL certified line and hence there is no chance that someone in the middle can exploit what you want to send.Even now if you are not satisfied then then you can further encrypt your message with AES-CBC encryption and you can share your password with the friends with whom you want to share.
So here you can protect your note with passwords or you can just create and share it.